Maria Fonseca

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Maria Fonseca, PhD
Machine Learning and AI
Data Science and Analytics
  • Country:
    Portugal/ Ireland
  • City:
    Lisbon/ Dublin
  • Pronouns:
    She/ Her
C#, .Net
  • SciKit-Learn, PyTorch
  • TensorFlow, Keras, XGBoost
  • SageMaker, AzureML, VertexAI
  • AutoML, MLOps
  • Hugging Face, LangChain, LLMs
  • Power BI, Tableau, Looker, Qlik
  • Jupyter, Colab, Jetbrains IDEs
  • Docker, Kubernetes
  • AWS, Azure, GCP
  • Databricks, Snowflake, dbt
  • SQL & NoSQL Databases
  • Apache Spark, Apache Hadoop
  • Apache Airflow, Jenkins
  • Google Analytics, Tag Manager
  • SPSS, Mathematica, MatLab
  • Jira, Confluence, Git, Miro
  • ArcGIS, MaxQDA, Adobe tools

Data & Cloud Architecture

Real-Time Solutions for a Dynamic World

Some Technologies


Certified in Data Engineering

Certified in Data Engineering by Databricks. Masters in Data Engineering and other formal training.

Certified in Cloud Solutions

AWS Cloud Solutions Architect and holding diverse other certifications related to AWS, Azure and GCP specializations.

Certified in Big Data

Certified in Big Data with Databricks, Snowflake, AWS and Azure. Trained distributed computing (Map Reduce, Spark and Hadoop).

Data Pipelines

Engineering robust data pipelines that ensure the seamless movement, transformation, and storage of data from various sources to analytical platforms.

Cloud Solutions

Designing and implementing cloud solutions, enabling scalable, secure, and cost-effective data storage and computing across diverse platforms.

Big Data Technologies

Harnessing the power of big data technologies, like Hadoop and Spark, to process, analyze, and derive insights from large datasets efficiently and accurately.

Data Lake & Warehouse

Building and managing data lakes and warehouses, ensuring organized, secure, and accessible storage of structured and unstructured data for analytical purposes.

Real-Time Processing

Implementing real-time data processing and analytics solutions, enabling businesses to gain instant insights and respond to changing conditions dynamically and effectively.

Serverless Computing

Leveraging serverless computing to build and run applications without server management, ensuring efficient resource use, and simplifying development, deployment and scaling.

Selected Projects