Maria Fonseca

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Maria Fonseca, PhD
Machine Learning and AI
Data Science and Analytics
  • Country:
    Portugal/ Ireland
  • City:
    Lisbon/ Dublin
  • Pronouns:
    She/ Her
C#, .Net
  • SciKit-Learn, PyTorch
  • TensorFlow, Keras, XGBoost
  • SageMaker, AzureML, VertexAI
  • AutoML, MLOps
  • Hugging Face, LangChain, LLMs
  • Power BI, Tableau, Looker, Qlik
  • Jupyter, Colab, Jetbrains IDEs
  • Docker, Kubernetes
  • AWS, Azure, GCP
  • Databricks, Snowflake, dbt
  • SQL & NoSQL Databases
  • Apache Spark, Apache Hadoop
  • Apache Airflow, Jenkins
  • Google Analytics, Tag Manager
  • SPSS, Mathematica, MatLab
  • Jira, Confluence, Git, Miro
  • ArcGIS, MaxQDA, Adobe tools

Machine Learning, MLOps & AI

Predicting, Optimizing and Automating

Some Technologies


Certified in ML/ AI

Certified in Machine Learning by AWS, Databricks, and GCP. Formal education and training in ML and MLOps.

Certified in Data Science

Certified in Data Science by Azure and holding a Masters degrees in Data Science and Data Engineering.

Certified in Big Data

Certified in Big Data with Databricks, Snowflake, AWS and Azure. Trained in Map Reduce, Spark and Hadoop.

ML Models

Utilizing supervised and unsupervised learning to build models that can analyze patterns, make decisions, and predict future outcomes in diverse applications.

AI Strategy

Developing and implementing AI strategies that align with organizational objectives, ensuring ethical use and maximizing the impact across operations.

Reinforcement Learning

Employing reinforcement learning algorithms to create models that learn optimal actions in various contexts, enhancing autonomous decision-making and adaptability.

Computer Vision

Enabling machines to interpret visual data and make decisions based it, with numerous applications in image recognition, and object detection.

Robotics & Automation

Developing intelligent robotics and automation systems that enhance operational efficiency, ensuring precise, and consistent performance in industrial applications.

Neural Networks

Designing and deploying different types of neural networks to decipher complex patterns, optimize predictions, and facilitate advancements in various AI applications.

Selected Projects