Maria Fonseca

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Maria Fonseca, PhD
Machine Learning and AI
Data Science and Analytics
  • Country:
    Portugal/ Ireland
  • City:
    Lisbon/ Dublin
  • Pronouns:
    She/ Her
C#, .Net
  • SciKit-Learn, PyTorch
  • TensorFlow, Keras, XGBoost
  • SageMaker, AzureML, VertexAI
  • AutoML, MLOps
  • Hugging Face, LangChain, LLMs
  • Power BI, Tableau, Looker, Qlik
  • Jupyter, Colab, Jetbrains IDEs
  • Docker, Kubernetes
  • AWS, Azure, GCP
  • Databricks, Snowflake, dbt
  • SQL & NoSQL Databases
  • Apache Spark, Apache Hadoop
  • Apache Airflow, Jenkins
  • Google Analytics, Tag Manager
  • SPSS, Mathematica, MatLab
  • Jira, Confluence, Git, Miro
  • ArcGIS, MaxQDA, Adobe tools

Web & UX

The future is Data-Driven


Over the last few years, I have worked in web/UX analytics, digital product ownership, data science, research, and predictive analysis. My expertise spans a wide array of topics within this domain, ensuring a comprehensive approach to product development, user experience optimization, and data-driven decision-making. Here’s a breakdown of the diverse areas I’ve delved into:

Product Ownership for Data Products:

  • Development and management of data-driven products tailored for specific user needs.
  • Collaboration with cross-functional teams to ensure product viability and user-centricity.
  • Strategic road-mapping and backlog prioritization for continuous product enhancement.

Analytics and Data Science:

  • Utilizing advanced statistical models to derive actionable insights from user data.
  • Predictive modeling to forecast user behavior and product interaction patterns.
  • Advanced data visualization techniques for stakeholder communication and decision-making.

User Experience (UX) Analytics:

  • Comprehensive user journey mapping to optimize touchpoints and enhance satisfaction.
  • A/B testing and multivariate testing to refine and improve user interfaces.
  • Behavior flow analysis to understand and enhance user navigation patterns.

Research and Predictive Analysis:

  • Deep dive into user demographics, psychographics, and feedback to inform product enhancements.
  • Predictive analytics to anticipate future trends and user needs.
  • Utilizing machine learning models for pattern recognition and anomaly detection.

Web Analytics:

  • Monitoring and analyzing website traffic patterns and user engagement metrics.
  • Conversion rate optimization to maximize user acquisition and retention.
  • Implementing tools like Google Analytics and Hotjar for in-depth web analysis.

Tag Management and Tracking Development:

  • Implementing and managing tag solutions for accurate user tracking.
  • Collaborating with developers to ensure accurate data capture through tags.
  • Continuous refinement of tracking methodologies to capture nuanced user interactions.

Statistical Analysis:

  • Employing robust statistical methods to analyze vast datasets.
  • Hypothesis testing to validate data-driven assumptions.
  • Correlational studies to understand the relationship between different user behavior metrics.

E-commerce Analytics:

  • Analysis of user purchase behavior and cart abandonment rates.
  • Product page optimization based on user interaction data.
  • Price elasticity studies to inform pricing strategies.

Mobile Analytics:

  • Monitoring user engagement on mobile apps.
  • Analyzing app crashes and user feedback for continuous improvement.
  • Funnel analysis to understand user conversion rates.

Each of these areas has presented its own set of intricate challenges and learning opportunities. My holistic approach, grounded in rich industry expertise, has consistently provided immense value to my clients, empowering them to make informed decisions and enhance their digital presence.

Some Areas

User Behavior Analysis
  • Deep dive into clickstream data to understand user navigation patterns.
  • Heatmap studies to identify areas of interest and potential friction points.
  • Session replays to gain insights into real-time user interactions.
New Features Research
  • A/B testing to evaluate the impact of new feature releases.
  • User feedback collection post-feature launch to gather initial impressions.
  • Longitudinal studies to assess feature adoption and usability over time.
Price Setting Research
  • Survey-based research to understand user price elasticity.
  • Competitor benchmarking to determine optimal price points.
  • Conjoint analysis to evaluate feature-value trade-offs in pricing settings and re-evaluations.
User Satisfaction Analysis
  • NPS and CSAT surveys to evaluate user satisfaction.
  • In-depth interviews to uncover reasons behind satisfaction scores.
  • Regular monitoring of user reviews and feedback on various platforms.
Conversion Optimization
  • Funnel analysis to identify drop-off points in the user journey.
  • Multivariate testing to optimize conversion touchpoints.
  • User surveys to understand barriers to conversion.
Retention and Churn Analysis
  • Cohort analysis to measure and forecast user retention over time.
  • Exit surveys to understand reasons for churn.
  • Behavior analysis of high-retention users to inform best practices.
Accessibility Research
  • Regular audits to ensure web accessibility.
  • User testing with diverse groups to ensure inclusive design.
  • Feedback loops to continually improve accessibility features.
Mobile UX Research
  • Mobile behavior tracking to understand unique interaction patterns.
  • Speed and performance testing on various devices and networks.
  • User feedback collection specific to mobile experiences.
Cross-platform Consistency
  • Comparative studies of user experience across web, mobile, and app.
  • User testing to ensure consistent branding and functionality across platforms.

Selected Projects